The Italian competition and market authority (AGCM) gave its approval, awarding Trade a score of 2 stars ⭐️⭐️ in response to the company’s application for a Legality Rating.
This significant result, made official by the authority at its meeting on 7 October 2015, simply confirms the internal process set in motion some time ago, which saw Trade working to establish a Code of Ethics to protect its clients and employees and, more generally, to adopt virtuous conduct aimed at upholding transparency and legality, not out of duty but rather as an expression of true company culture.
The certification, which is valid for two years, represents recognition for the company in terms of reputation, above all, but also in terms of guaranteeing access to bank credit and public financing.
For more details on the guidelines, and to view the official ranking of companies granted the legality rating, visit the Italian Competition Authority (AGCM) website.